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Colorado river basin. Colorado River Basin

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- Colorado river basin


The most severe drought on record, the southwestern North American megadrought , began in the early 21st century, in which the river basin has produced above-average runoff in only five years between and A study showed that a 1—6 percent decrease of precipitation would lead to runoff declining by as much as 18 percent by Since , reservoir levels have fluctuated greatly from year to year, but have experienced a steady long-term decline.

A wet winter in temporarily raised lake levels, [] [] but dry conditions returned in the next two years. Water year had a much lower-than-average snowpack. In response, the Bureau of Reclamation began releasing water from upstream reservoirs in order to keep Powell above the minimum level for hydropower generation.

On August 16, the Bureau of Reclamation released the Colorado River Basin August Month Study, and for the first time declared a shortage and that because of "ongoing historic drought and low runoff conditions in the Colorado River Basin, downstream releases from Glen Canyon Dam and Hoover Dam will be reduced in due to declining reservoir levels.

The Colorado River and its tributaries often nourish extensive corridors of riparian growth as they traverse the arid desert regions of the watershed. Although riparian zones represent a relatively small proportion of the basin and have been affected by engineering projects and river diversion in many places, they have the greatest biodiversity of any habitat in the basin.

More than 1, species of plants grow in the Colorado River watershed, ranging from the creosote bush , saguaro cactus , and Joshua trees of the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts to the forests of the Rocky Mountains and other uplands, composed mainly of ponderosa pine , subalpine fir , Douglas-fir and Engelmann spruce. Some arid regions of the watershed, such as the upper Green River valley in Wyoming, Canyonlands National Park in Utah and the San Pedro River valley in Arizona and Sonora, supported extensive reaches of grassland roamed by large mammals such as buffalo and antelope as late as the s.

Near Tucson, Arizona, "where now there is only powder-dry desert, the grass once reached as high as the head of a man on horse back". Rivers and streams in the Colorado basin were once home to 49 species of native fish, of which 42 were endemic.

Engineering projects and river regulation have led to the extinction of four species and severe declines in the populations of 40 species.

Clear, cold water released by dams has significantly changed characteristics of habitat for these and other Colorado River basin fishes. Historically, the Colorado transported from 85 to million short tons 77,, to 91,, t of sediment or silt to the Gulf of California each year — second only to the Mississippi among North American rivers. Various estimates place the time it would take for Powell to completely fill with silt at to years.

Dams trapping sediment not only pose damage to river habitat but also threaten future operations of the Colorado River reservoir system. Reduction in flow caused by dams, diversions, water for thermoelectric power stations, [] and evaporation losses from reservoirs — the latter of which consumes more than 15 percent of the river's natural runoff [] —has had severe ecological consequences in the Colorado River Delta and the Gulf of California.

Historically, the delta with its large freshwater outflow and extensive salt marshes provided an important breeding ground for aquatic species in the Gulf. Today's desiccated delta, at only a fraction of its former size, no longer provides suitable habitat, and populations of fish, shrimp and sea mammals in the gulf have seen a dramatic decline.

Reduced flows have led to increases in the concentration of certain substances in the lower river that have impacted water quality. Salinity is one of the major issues and also leads to the corrosion of pipelines in agricultural and urban areas. The Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act was passed in , mandating conservation practices including the reduction of saline drainage.

The program reduced the annual load by about 1. Further efforts have been made to combat the salt issue in the lower Colorado, including the construction of a desalination plant at Yuma. Agricultural runoff containing pesticide residues has also been concentrated in the lower river in greater amounts.

This has led to fish kills; six of these events were recorded between and alone. Both rivers and the sea are among the most polluted bodies of water in the United States, posing dangers not only to aquatic life but to contact by humans and migrating birds. Large dams such as Hoover and Glen Canyon typically release water from lower levels of their reservoirs, resulting in stable and relatively cold year-round temperatures in long reaches of the river.

In the 21st century, there has been renewed interest in restoring a limited water flow to the delta. In November , the U. In addition to renovating irrigation canals in the Mexicali Valley to reduce leakage, this will make about 45, acre-feet 56,, m 3 per year available for release to the delta on average. The water will be used to provide both an annual base flow and a spring "pulse flow" to mimic the river's original snowmelt-driven regime.

Famed for its dramatic rapids and canyons, the Colorado is one of the most desirable whitewater rivers in the United States, and its Grand Canyon section—run by more than 22, people annually [] —has been called the "granddaddy of rafting trips".

Several other sections of the river and its tributaries are popular whitewater runs, and many of these are also served by commercial outfitters. The Colorado's Cataract Canyon and many reaches in the Colorado headwaters are even more heavily used than the Grand Canyon, and about 60, boaters run a single 4. Eleven U. Fisheries have declined in many streams in the watershed, especially in the Rocky Mountains, because of polluted runoff from mining and agricultural activities.

Lake Powell and surrounding Glen Canyon National Recreation Area received more than two million visitors per year in , [] while nearly 7. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Major river in the western United States and Mexico. For other uses, see Colorado River disambiguation. Main article: Course of the Colorado River. Main article: List of tributaries of the Colorado River. Main articles: Alamo Canal and Salton Sea.

Main article: Colorado River Storage Project. See also: Southwestern North American megadrought. The stream gauge here measures flow from an area of 44, square miles , km 2 , representing about The gauge measures flow from an area of 23, square miles 60, km 2 , about The gauge measures flow from an area of 5, square miles 13, km 2 , about Also note that the SIB "Southerly International Boundary" is the point at which the Colorado ceases to form the border and passes entirely into Mexico.

Census Bureau [96] and the State of Colorado. Geographic Names Information System. February 8, Retrieved February 18, May Geological Survey. Retrieved July 2, April 2, University of Colorado. Archived from the original PDF on May 1, Retrieved July 11, National Water Information System.

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Brigham Young University. Archived from the original PDF on April 2, Canyonlands National Park. National Park Service. June 17, Retrieved February 19, Colorado River Storage Project. Bureau of Reclamation. November 4, Archived from the original on September 21, Utah History Encyclopedia. University of Utah. Archived from the original on January 9, Archived from the original on October 23, Geological Survey Professional Paper —D.

Retrieved November 2, December Archived from the original on May 20, American Society of Civil Engineers. Archived from the original on March 27, Quick Facts" PDF. Arizona Cooperative Extension. University of Arizona. August Archived from the original PDF on October 21, Archived from the original PDF on January 20, Retrieved April 4, October 28, Biology Department. Western Washington University. National Public Radio.

February 10, San Diego State University. University of Queensland. Wyoming State Water Plan. February Archived from the original on November 25, Retrieved February 25, Utah Rivers Council.

Archived from the original on May 14, Retrieved February 26, Arizona Navigable Stream Adjudication Commission. Archived from the original PDF on April 22, Retrieved October 19, Retrieved April 17, Will It Happen Again? February 19, Retrieved February 27, Retrieved June 27, Western Snow Conference. Archived from the original PDF on July 14, Journal of Arid Environments. Bibcode : JArEn.. The Press-Enterprise.

Riverside, California. Archived from the original on January 20, USA Today. Associated Press. Archived from the original PDF on June 9, Arizona Republic. Retrieved May 17, Colorado River Water Users Association. Archived from the original on November 4, Climatic Change. S2CID Retrieved July 13, Retrieved April 27, Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Archived from the original on April 14, April Retrieved May 24, University of Texas. Archived from the original on November 7, Eastern Snow Conference.

Archived from the original PDF on June 23, Retrieved May 25, California Natural Resources Agency. March Retrieved May 26, Remote Sensing. Review Report will be one of many references and sources of input considered when work begins to determine Lake Powell and Mead operations after Click here for more info on the development of the 7. The Interim Guidelines are in place from through December 31, through preparation of the Annual Operating Plan.

The coordinated operational diagram below outlines the coordinated reservoir operations of both reservoirs at different pool elevations. Several implementing agreements were executed concurrent to the issuance of the ROD, related to forbearance and the creation and delivery of ICS by Lower Basin contractors, as well as subsequent agreements for System Efficiency ICS projects.

Please contact the Water Operations Control Center via e-mail at bcoowaterops usbr. Reclamation Colorado River Basin. Commissioner Touton asks Basin States and Tribes to conserve an additional million acre-feet of water in Projected Operations Reclamation's Upper and Lower Colorado Basin Regions generate a set of standard projections of Colorado River Basin system conditions at regular intervals to determine reservoir operations and assist with planning.

More information about Reclamation's current projections can be found below. Annual Operating Plans for Colorado River Reservoirs Each year's Annual Operating Plan for Colorado River Reservoirs reports on both the past operations of the Colorado River reservoirs for the completed year as well as projected operations and releases from these reservoirs for the current i.

In the Headwaters of the Colorado River, American Rivers is working with a coalition of ranchers, Trout Unlimited, and Front Range Water providers to restore over 30 miles of the Colorado River that has been severely dewatered due to water diversions that deliver water from the Colorado River to the Front Range.

This project, known has the Colorado Rivers Headwaters Project , will benefit river habitat, water quantity and quality, and agricultural operations. When completed, The Headwaters Project will represent one of the largest river restoration projects in the Upper Colorado River Basin and provide a replicable model for how we restore rivers in the 21 st century. Our commitment to working alongside different water users has created opportunities to pursue innovative approaches to permanently protect rivers through new Wild and Scenic Designations and instream flow water rights — finding legal and practical ways to protect our rivers.

American Rivers is working to protect Colorado River tributaries like the Yampa River, the Crystal River, Upper Green River, and Deep Creek by pioneering approaches to river protection that works for all who rely on these amazing elements of our natural environment. State of California Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board To preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California's water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations.

Featured Topics More Topics California Governor. Press Release. Drought and climate change are hitting the Colorado River hard, but TNC is working to protect this important river. Learn more about why this mighty river is considered the lifeblood of the American West.

Project Overview. Nearly 36 million people rely on the Colorado River for water, food, recreation and energy. Stand with us to protect this iconic American lifeline.

Most of the Colorado River's water is used up by farms and cities before reaching the sea.


Colorado River Basin | Bureau of Reclamation -


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